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Month: November 2013

Different Brick – Real Size Thinking 2013 Competetion

Three of our recently graduated students were awarded in REAL SIZE THINKING 2013 competition when they were given the opportunity to build a prototype of the system they were developing as their thesis project.
Different brick is about developing an innovative masonry system based on simple production methods fully supported by highly customized digital tools. It challenges the non-standarized manufacturing processes through the application of computational design in architectural discourse. The production system produces compressed, round-edged, differentiated bricks that can generate doubly curved surfaces when stacked.The main goal was to construct the geometry without using geometrical formwork. For the purpose of the competition, team members proposed a doubly curved wall composed of 600 different bricks.
Real Size Thinking 2013 competition exhibition has started at Shinjuku Park Tower Ozone Gallery last week. Exhibition will be open for visitors until November 26.

Design team: Kyaw Htoo, Ana Ilic, Yasemin Sahiner
Computational support: Dr. Eng. Masaaki Miki

Fabrication team: So Sugita, Ornchuma Saraya, Minjie Xu, Kevin Clement

Different Brick is selected as one of the four finalists

Paper form-work for casting differentiated bricks

Laser cut card-board form-work pieces

Casting team

600 different bricks are ready

Assembly mock-up from above

Assembly mock-up-testing the edge

Pattern of differentiation

Installation has started at Ozone Gallery-8.00 a.m.

Following the assembly guides embedded on the components

Installing the edge components

Assembly in progress

Assembly back-up team arrives

Reading the sequence of assembly on the component

Assembly in progress – reaching row 16

Cable tie connection

Assembly in progress- 9.00 p.m

Overview of the installation 1

Overview of the installation 2

Examination by structural engineer Jun Sato

Final Presentation on November 16

Team members presenting the project

Side view 1

Back view

Front view

Assembly from above

G30 Summer Pavilion Work in Progress 06

With less than two weeks until the Obayashi company arrives on campus with crane to complete the final pavilion assembly, first year students have been focused and busy producing the various parts and pieces of the pavilion. The assembly of the tension cables finished last week, and attention has been shifted to laser-cutting the plywood pieces for the interior furniture elements, and hydro-inflating the stainless steel compressive components as they arrive from the fabricator in batches of 34, every two days. 

Bolt insertion prior to crimping
Laser-cut template for cable fabrication
Team working outdoors on dual water inflation jigs

Hooking up the water line.