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This week we have the pleasure of participating in a series of events between ETH and UTokyo. These events are organized as part of a strategic partnership between the two institutions, and culminates in a symposium event on January 19 and 20. Professor Matthias Kohler, Dr. Russell Loveridge, Dr. René Jähne, and Senior Researcher Hannes Mayer stopped by our laboratory for a visit with professors and students. Mr. Matthias Frey and Ms. Kyoko Suzuki, of the Swiss Embassy in Tokyo, were also kind enough to participate, providing a generous gift of Swiss wine, in addition to taking time to speak to the students in our laboratory about the importance of collaborative efforts.

ETH Utokyo Swiss Embassy Reception Advanced Design Studies The University of Tokyo

On Thursday afternoon, we participated in a poster session on the UTokyo campus, speaking with researchers and students from a variety of difference scientific fields. It was a great opportunity to exchange ideas and share inspiration.

poster session eth utokyo strategic partnership advanced design studies the university of tokyo

poster session eth utokyo strategic partnership advanced design studies the university of tokyo

poster session eth utokyo strategic partnership advanced design studies the university of tokyo

poster session eth utokyo strategic partnership advanced design studies the university of tokyo

poster session eth utokyo strategic partnership advanced design studies the university of tokyo


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