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Category: Lab Life

Work in progress at the AADRL

Prof. Obuchi is visiting London for attending the AADRL’s end-of-term review at the Architectural Association. His DRL Phase 2 teams are working on their thesis projects exploring the topic of evolutionary development and lifecycle of architecture.

Flux Fields

Flux fields are being developed by Trudy, Olesja and Iro as their design strategy to create a spatial order in the arrival hall at Tokyo Station. The intricate 2D patterns became a foundation for 3D surface ceiling systems including lighting, signage and visual navigational logic.

Final Project – Tokyo Station’s Arrival Hall

We have started to work on our final studio project — design of ceiling systems at Tokyo Station’s arrival hall. The ambition of our project is to design a 3D surface that integrates structural, lighting, navigational and acoustic systems into a coherent form, reducing visual noises and confusions.

ginkgo trees

Ginkgo trees are everywhere in the University of Tokyo and they have all turned completely yellow in the last weeks, attracting people everyday to see them and to snap pictures on their mobile phones. Here is a view from our building entrance.

Voronoi shell made with sand

A student from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China sent us those images from a workshop Yusuke conducted with AADRL’s tutor Robert Stewart-Smith and recent AA graduates Xin Wang and Soomeen Hahm last summer. The Topic of the workshop was to explore the distributional logic of dry sand via multiple outlets using only gravity to generate three-dimensional patterns. Its generative logic was simulated simultaneously with Rhino/Grass Hopper for parallel analogue/digital experiments. The top layer of the sand was then hardened with sprayed resin. 96 panels were designed and fabricated for the Beijing Biennale 2010.