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Critical Mass Posts


Joined by Rem Koolhaas and Kengo Kuma, a Dutch designer, Petra Blaisse, gave a lecture at University of Tokyo last weekend. Petra Blaisse presented her projects which covered a wide range of scales and design fields including landscape architecture, interior design and textile design. She is fonder of InsideOutside, a creative design office based in Amsterdam.

Matthias Kohler’s visit

Matthias Kohler, Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication at ETH Zurich, stopped by at Uni Tokyo to meet with Kengo Kuma and Yusuke Obuchi last week. He was on his way to Singapore where he and his partner Fabio Gramazio are setting up a new program at the National University of Singapore.

Digital Fabrication Lab Launch Party

We are organising a launch party for our new digital fabrication lab at our department. Although the facility is yet to be completed, we are hoping to celebrate this occasion with internationally distinguished architects, engineers and educators and to create a modest symposium/roundtable discussion. Participants: Kengo Kuma, Jesse Resier, Nanako Umemoto, Hanif Kara, Michael Weinstock, Chiba Namabu, Yusuke Obuchi


Here are some physical models developed for the Tokyo Station’s arrival hall ceiling system.

Work in progress at the AADRL

Prof. Obuchi is visiting London for attending the AADRL’s end-of-term review at the Architectural Association. His DRL Phase 2 teams are working on their thesis projects exploring the topic of evolutionary development and lifecycle of architecture.

Flux Fields

Flux fields are being developed by Trudy, Olesja and Iro as their design strategy to create a spatial order in the arrival hall at Tokyo Station. The intricate 2D patterns became a foundation for 3D surface ceiling systems including lighting, signage and visual navigational logic.