This week we have the pleasure of participating in a series of events between ETH and UTokyo. These events are organized as part of a strategic partnership between the two institutions, and culminates in a symposium event on January 19 and 20. Professor Matthias Kohler, Dr. Russell Loveridge, Dr. René Jähne, and Senior Researcher Hannes Mayer stopped by our laboratory for a visit with professors and students. Mr. Matthias Frey and Ms. Kyoko Suzuki, of the Swiss Embassy in Tokyo, were also kind enough to participate, providing a generous gift of Swiss wine, in addition to taking time to speak to the students in our laboratory about the importance of collaborative efforts.
On Thursday afternoon, we participated in a poster session on the UTokyo campus, speaking with researchers and students from a variety of difference scientific fields. It was a great opportunity to exchange ideas and share inspiration.