- Benjamin Berwick
- Yanli Xiong
- Yusuke Obuchi
Course Assistants
- Toshikatsu Kiuchi
Hair is collected from Tokyo hair salons. The material is gathered and punched to produce components, and is then assembled to create an adaptive shade for apartments.
The raw material for the project is hair collected from Tokyo hair salons. The clippings are usually thrown away, but on the urban scale and through aggregation, the hair is a potential resource.
The hair is punched to create a fabric-like material after it is aggregated. Components can then be created from the material in a folding pattern.
A series of folded components are fit together to produce a canopy which can be moved and repositioned as the user sees fit.
The canopy provides shade, but it also allows the owner of the canopy to personalize the façade of their balcony (upon which the canopy is placed).