
  • Amy Saraya
  • Xu Minjie


  • Yusuke Obuchi

Course Assistants

  • Toshikatsu Kiuchi

Used coffee grounds are collected from Tokyo’s coffee shops. The grounds are aggregated and solidified into components before being used as odor-absorbing architecture to transform alleyways.


Used coffee grounds are the raw material for the proposal. There are many coffee shops in Tokyo, and these grounds could be aggregated on an urban scale to produce a new resource.


The coffee grounds, when collected, are solidified and created into a component. The components are organized together into box-like formations to create architecture.


The architecture creates a unique gathering space that intends to transform Tokyo’s alleyways.


The architecture, in addition to being visually interesting, is also odor-absorbing due to the coffee content of the proposal. This aids in creating a more pleasant experience in alleys.


intimacy cloud advanced design studies university of tokyo


  • Kevin Clement
  • Anders Rod


  • Yusuke OBUCHI

Course Assistants

  • Toshikatsu KIUCHI

Waste food at convenience stores is collected and transformed into a bioplastic material. This bioplastic can be used to create architecture.


Waste food collected from convenience stores is collected. A large amount of food is wasted every day at Tokyo convenience stores and the waste has potential as a resource.


The material is transformed into a bioplastic which hardens after a period of time.


The bioplastic is used with a 3D drawing pen and architecture can be “drawn” by a user.

バイオ・プラスチックは、 3 D描画ペンによって用いられ、ユーザーが建築を「描く」ことができます。

The project proposes a use for waste food and in creating the temporary architecture, produces a community gathering space.


harvesting plasticity advanced design studies university of tokyo harvesting plasticity advanced design studies university of tokyo harvesting plasticity advanced design studies university of tokyo


  • Benjamin Berwick
  • Yanli Xiong


  • Yusuke Obuchi

Course Assistants

  • Toshikatsu Kiuchi

Hair is collected from Tokyo hair salons. The material is gathered and punched to produce components, and is then assembled to create an adaptive shade for apartments.


The raw material for the project is hair collected from Tokyo hair salons. The clippings are usually thrown away, but on the urban scale and through aggregation, the hair is a potential resource.


The hair is punched to create a fabric-like material after it is aggregated. Components can then be created from the material in a folding pattern.


A series of folded components are fit together to produce a canopy which can be moved and repositioned as the user sees fit.


The canopy provides shade, but it also allows the owner of the canopy to personalize the façade of their balcony (upon which the canopy is placed).


digital garden university of tokyo advanced design studies

digital garden university of tokyo advanced design studies

digital garden university of tokyo advanced design studies