DFL Colloquium : Where does design start and end? The role of architects in the age of advanced computation and AI
DFL Colloquium
Where does design start and end?
The role of architects in the age of advanced computation and AI
Thursday 22 March 2018, 17:00-19:30 (doors open at 16:30, admission free)
Lecture Theatre 15, Faculty of Engineering Building 1, The University of Tokyo Hongo Campus
Language – English
‘Which jobs will be replaced by AI and robots?’ This type of catchy headline has become increasingly common in most news outlets, effectively grabbing viewers’ and readers’ attention. While presented as either something to embrace or refuse, it is undoubtedly imminent. Should architects be concerned? Could architects’ creative design processes also be done by AI and robots? If AI and robots will perform creative design processes better, then what will humans do? In other words, what does it mean to say, designed and made by humans?
The aim of this colloquium is to discuss the state of design culture specifically from the point of view of ‘making physical stuff.’ Computational capabilities have already dramatically altered the way manufacturing industries operate and deliver products with high degrees of efficiency and productivity through automation, robotic fabrication and building information modelling. Today, these methods and tools have become integral parts of architectural production processes, being both taught and practiced. This event will explore, and discuss the potentials and concerns for today’s designers and makers by asking where do design processes start and end?
Session 1 Presentations 17:00-18:20
Yusuke Obuchi
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, The University of Tokyo
Hannes Mayer
Senior Researcher, Director of Education, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
Lisa Iwamoto
Professor, Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley
Session 2 Panel Discussion 18:30-19:30
Thomas Weaver
TU Delft
Curatorial Presentation by
Fumio Nanjo
Director, Mori Art Museum
Organised by
The University of Tokyo Advanced Design Studies (T_ADS)
The University of Tokyo Digital Fabrication Fab (DFL)
Where does design start and end?
The role of architects in the age of advanced computation and AI
2018年3月22日(木)17:00-19:30 (開場16:30)
東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部1号館15号講義室 (定員100名先着順 入場無料)
Session 1では、それぞれ異なるかたちでデジタル機械・IT技術の応用を試みる建築家や研究者の方々よりお話を伺います。Session 2のパネル・ディスカッションでは、著述家かつ歴史家であるデルフト工科大学のThomas Weaver氏、森美術館館長の南條史生氏にコーディネート頂きながら、デジタル・AI時代における設計と建築家の役割について議論します。
Session 1 Presentations 17:00-18:20
小渕 祐介 東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻 准教授
Hannes Mayer スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校Gramazio Kohler Research 上席研究員 教育長
Lisa Iwamoto カリフォルニア州立大学バークレー校建築学科 教授
Session 2 Panel Discussion 18:30-19:30
Thomas Weaver デルフト工科大学
Curatorial Presentation by
南條 史生 森美術館 館長
東京大学建築学専攻Advanced Design Studies (T_ADS)
東京大学建築学専攻Digital Fabrication Fab (DFL)